Pleading guilty for your offense should always be the last option. The court wants you to plead guilty.
This is why you need to call an experienced Houston criminal defense attorney for your case. When the courts realize an individual is willing to fight for their client’s case and prove their innocence, they may be more willing to give more favorable offers. Sometimes, cases are even dismissed.
Attorney Brent Mayr will fight tirelessly to try to get you the case results you deserve. Call him today at (713) 808-9613 for a consultation.
Brent Mayr: Pleading guilty always has to be the last option, mainly because the government or the state, they expect you to plead. They want you to plead. When they know that you’re represented by someone who is willing to take them to the mat and to fight that case, they’re going to be more willing to give favorable offers. They may be scared to even proceed with the case. Even someone who, in their mind thinks, “Hey, I’m guilty of this crime,” the state and the government knowing that I’m willing to fight them on it and make them prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the person is guilty, sometimes those cases just get dismissed.